Beach Ice BW


This blog post will talk about two aspects of this poem both of which relate to choices made in the making of the video as well.  


The first is this is an ekphrastic poem. Ekphrasis, Poetry Foundation tells us, is: 


“Description” in Greek. An ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art. Through the imaginative act of narrating and reflecting on the “action” of a painting or sculpture, the poet may amplify and expand its meaning.


This poem is a response to a photograph I took of a winter scene in Port Dover Ontario. Often in ekphrasis we are responding to someone else’s art. It actually can be any art form involved in either the subject or the art chosen to do the response. But there is a long history of ekphrastic poetry, perhaps because poetry is often digging for what’s underneath the words, and images are so inherent to the art form of poetry that it’s a natural medium for this type of response to other’s work.  


Continue reading “Black and White Image…. – Ekphrastic Poem”